Vengeful Was Khanei W/Rt Underworld Farming Help Required.
Hello all,
Today, i started with using a new build for UW. Called: VWK UW'ing. Well.. The first few times went great, but the build is for the grasping's and the smites later. (And dying nightmares)
Well.. The first few times went great, ecto's dropped.. whatever.. I took a break, and now... When i now enter UW again, the nightmares pop up EVERY time (5times in a row) in the beginning, when i'm walking to the quest giver guy (to let Grasping's Spawn).
Now, those dying's take the Blades Aatxe's with em, and than i can't break aggro at that area, so they kill me. This happened 5 times now... Can anyone tell me why this happens? Or am i just 5 times unlucky with those Dying Nightmares? The first few times i did it they didn't came =\
I hope someone can help me.
Many thanks,,